
Today’s topic: Motivation with progress
We need to be motivated to finish doing things. We use different ways to stay motivated.

Today’s question:
Would our motivation change if we think that we are progressing even if it’s not true?
Yes! Even if there really hasn’t been any actual progress, if you believe that progress has occurred, you will be more motivated. Researchers set up an experiment. They gave a group of people a card to use when they buy coffee. Every time a person buys a cup of coffee a stamp is placed in the card. In one group they were given a card with 10 spots to put a stamp in. In the other group, they were given a card with 12 spots to put a stamp in. Two of the spots were already stamped.

This is what they found:
People with the 12 spots in the stamp bought more coffee than people with the 10 spots, even though they had the same number of spots to fill.

Today’s advice
If you have a big project, work on it early. The stuff that you finished will help push you forward!